We have some books available to purchase that our Educators believe go hand in hand with our presentations and the information that is taught. If you would like to read about some of the topics yourself, or read the books with your children to further educate them, please browse our book resource options.
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Body Value and Boundaries: Kindergarten-Grade 6
Let's Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent and Respect
God Made All of Me: A book to help children protect their bodies (hardcover)
Good Pictures, Bad Pictures JR
How Much Is a Little Girl Worth? (hardcover)
How Much Is a Little Boy Worth? (hardcover)
Amazing You!
Body Boundaries Make
Me Stronger
Human Development and Anatomy
Where Do Babies Come From?
Lift the Flap Book
Where Do Babies Come From?
Knowledge Encyclopedia:
Human Body (hardcover)
Guy Stuff:
The Body Book for Boys
Guy Stuff Feelings
The Period Comic
Care and Keeping of You Journal
Secret Code Inside You (hardcover)
The Period Comic 2
Girls Feeling Book
DNA Book (hardcover)
Boys, Girls & Body Science (hardcover)
The Girls Body Book
Brain and Emotional Awareness
Good Pictures, Bad Pictures:
Porn Proofing Today's Young Kids
All About Anxiety (hardcover)
Your Fantastic Elastic Brain! (hardcover)
The Whole Brain Child
The Teenage Brain
Hold On To Your Kids: why parents need to matter more than peers
Hooked: brain science on how casual
sex affects human development
Now Maps
The Body Keeps the Score
A Rebel's Manifesto
Online Safety
Raising Screen Smart Kids
Viral Parenting (hardcover)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens on the Go
Human Trafficking and Exploitations Awareness
Invisible Chains
Human Trafficking in Canada
Your Brain on Porn
Start with Why
Rare Leadership
Escaping Enemy Mode
7 Habits of Effective Families
The Coaching Habit
Trauma & Attachment Awareness Classroom
Beyond Behaviors
Fostering Resilient Learners
Creating a Trauma Sensitive Classroom (quick reference guide)
The Connected Parent
6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make
Goodnight to Your Fantastic Elastic Brain (hardcover)
Helpful Resources
Resources on pornography awareness, online risks to kids, and preventative measures can be found at www.defendyoungminds.com, and www.endsexualexploitation.org
Some good filter programs for online devices can be found at www.bark.us and www.meetcircle.com
The following websites contain great tips for keeping kids/teens safer online, as well as important discussion topics to have with kids/teens- www.commonsensemedia.org, www.protectchildren.ca, and www.kidshealth.org/en/parents/net-safety
Human trafficking awareness; www.defenddignity.ca, www.NHTEC.ca, and www.A21.org