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We offer free health class presentations from K-12 to any school in the Peace Region. Our presentations are rooted in an awareness of human development, dignity, all with a focus on healthy relationships. We aim to encourage, equip, and empower students and families. Our presentations coincide with the AB education curriculum.

Grades K-7
Kids will learn about how their bodies were made, what makes them special, the reproductive process & puberty, and a foundation for safety in the digital world.

Grades 8-12

Youth will learn about healthy relationships, sexting and digital safety, harms of pornography and human trafficking.


Parents will learn about the issues facing them and their children in today's world.  They will hear real world stories and strategies to help them support their family.
Churches & Community Groups
Many churches and community groups are unsure how to best support their members in the digital age.  We can support you by speaking directly to your members on any of the topics in our area of expertise.

Body Value and Boundaries: Kindergarten-Grade 6

Gr K-1: Good Pictures/Bad Pictures                                             Duration: 45 minutes, book or slideshow used

In this fun and interactive presentation we read through the best-selling book “Good Pictures Bad Pictures - Junior", written by Kristen A. Jenson, founder of This book is a NCOSE recommended resource for parents and classrooms to use as an aid in teaching children to be safe online. We read a copy of the hardcover book, or show it via slideshow, which the author of this book has kindly agreed to. Using gentle, age-appropriate messages, children will learn to Turn, Run & Tell when they are exposed to inappropriate or scary content in person or online. In a fun and interactive way, this presentation will equip children with an internal filter to use in the digital world. This story book also helps kids recognize their voice that they can use to protect themselves or ask for help if they are in uncomfortable situations whether that be in the digital world or in person.


There is also a pre-teen/teen version of this book that we often recommend to parents and teachers. More information and resources related to the book ‘Good Pictures Bad Pictures’ can be found at

Gr K-2: Look What I Can Do!                               Duration: 45 minutes, no slideshow, however fetal models are used

This fun and interactive presentation celebrates developmental milestones going all the way back to growth before birth. Students will understand the changes their own body has gone through to make it to where they are now! Students will discuss milestones such as when they first started to read, write, jump, walk, talk, crawl, hear, see, and dream. When children are aware of how much their body has already grown and learned, it helps to give them confidence to learn and grow in new areas!


For this presentation each student is given a sesame seed and are informed that when they were that size their heart started beating. We bring fetal models to this presentation and as we show them the size of each fetus stage, and students are asked to name an object of similar size, eg. almond, egg, banana and we celebrate each stage of development. When discussing that their lungs grew at a certain age all students take a big breath and ‘yell’- “look what I can do!” or when discussing the development of their limbs students move and jump around repeating back “look what I can do!” and so on. That process is continued all the way up to their current age while highlighting and celebrating the many things they have learned an accomplished. Showing the fetal models is also a great way to take note of the different skin colors and to celebrate how the human race is diverse and unique, each person is special. At the end of the presentation the students take turns studying the fetal models if they wish to do so.

Gr K-3: My Body is Good!                                               Duration: 45 minutes, no slideshow, brain model is used

  • Your body is good! We celebrate the fact that the human body can do amazing things. Name parts of the body and identify what amazing things they can do while demonstrating them (jump, sing, eat, draw, run, clap, look, smell…) Affirm to the students that every part of their body and growth has a good purpose, and as they do each physical activity we have students repeat back that they are made “VERY GOOD” with a thumbs up.

  • Practice saying and listening to “No, thank you” when offered a hug, handshake or high five.

  • Talk about how their whole body is special, and some parts are for sharing (high fives/hug) and other parts of the body are private parts, they too have a good purpose, but are not for sharing.

  • State the proper names of private parts, and explain that it is wise for students to learn the proper names in case they ever need to ask for help. State that all students valued and are worth protecting- so if anyone were to ever try to touch them inappropriately say NO and GO ask for help. (Physically practice this in presentation- all stand up and say NO- and GO). Tell students how to ask for help and how to keep asking if anyone talks or touches in a way that makes students feel angry, sad, uncomfortable, or confused.

  • Identify 5 adults who can be on a “Safety Team”. Adults who make them feel safe and strong; e.g. parents/family, teacher, police, counsellors, neighbor, etc.

  • Explain the difference between secrets and surprises. A surprise like a Christmas present is good and is meant to be found out. Secrets on the other hand could be unsafe, never keep secrets from your safety team.

  • Recap the main points, and remind students that their whole body is... VERY GOOD! (thumbs up)

Gr 2-3: Red, Yellow, and Green Lights; Screen Time Safety Skills                               

Duration: 45 min- 1 hr, slideshow available (can be done with/without), brain model used

  • What is the internet and how do we use it? Students give suggestions of all the different way they use the internet.

  • What safety signs can we use for the internet?

  • Red (STOP!), Yellow (CAUTION!), and Green (Good to Go!) light situations online. Show slideshow with lists of specific information or situations that would fall under those light categories. Yellow light egs- chat rooms, texting, videos, etc Red light egs- nudity, chatting with a stranger, giving personal information, etc

  • Who is your safety team; your “A(adults) team” and your “B(buddies) team”?

  • Understand how the feeling brain (clues) and thinking brain (questions) work together.

  • Asking for help and strategies for big emotions like fear, anger, sadness. Students make different faces or actions to show the different emotions.

  • Know how to use your voice to say “No” and ask for help when needed.

  • Practice “Turn! Run! Tell!” when students come across scary or inappropriate images or messages online. The whole class practices this in the presentation in the form of a game.

  • Recap fun and safe ways we use the internet

Gr 4-6: Drivers Ed for the Internet (Online Safety)                  Duration: 1 hour, slideshow & brain model are used

​This presentation aims to develop online safety skills by using the metaphor of Driver's Ed training to discuss how students can learn to navigate the internet with skills and awareness that ultimately help everyone stay safe and have fun.

  • What is the internet and when do we use it? Students give suggestions.

  • Invention of motor vehicles; massive increase in capacity, slow catch up of safety measures.

  • Invention of the internet; massive increase in capacity, slow catch up of safety measures.

  • Give NYC example, would I let me child roam free around NYC? No because I care about their safety. The same is true for a child’s safety when it comes to the internet.

  • What are some internet safety features available?

  • Use a safe password plan. Understand filters – blocking strangers and inappropriate content.

  • Who is your safety team? Think of 5 safe adults you can talk to and go to for help.

  • Feeling and thinking brain working together as a team “Clues and Questions”.

  • Red flags online (egs, phishing, scams, nudity, flattery, chatting with stranger, etc)

  • Know foundations and boundaries for safety online.

Human Development: Grade 4-6

Gr 4: Puberty, A ‘Not So Scary’ Introduction                           Duration: 1 hour, slideshow & brain model are used

​This presentation is offered as a combo, or boys and girls separate. When together we are careful which content we cover and in how much detail. Both groups need to be educated about the similarities and differences through out puberty between boys and girls, and our goal is to be sensitive to both when they are in the room together.

  • What is puberty? Puberty: signs and time frame

  • Puberty changes in the brain and emotions

  • Puberty changes in the body, brief explanation of changes in both male and female

  • Briefly name male and female reproductive organs

  • Taking care of your body as you mature

  • How can you tell if information about puberty is coming from a credible source?

  • Who is your safety team? Who can help answer future questions about puberty?

  • Q&A time


When presenting to boys and girls separately we can explain in more detail the changes that will happen during puberty, while still remaining age appropriate. As well as informing each group what will changes will occur for both male and female.

-Girls only puberty talk also includes.... Reproductive system, menstrual cycle, feminine hygiene products, hormone changes * Healthy habits, personal grooming/cleanliness * Body Image & Self-Esteem vs Advertisement and Media messages * Supportive relationships – including parents, and friends * Safe use of technology/social media

-Boys only puberty talk also includes... Puberty changes in the brain and emotions * Changes in the body * Taking care of your body as you mature * Supportive relationships – including parents, and friends * Safe use of technology/social media

Gr 5: Puberty and Reproductive Anatomy                               Duration: 1 hour, slideshow & brain model are used

​This presentation is offered as a combo, or boys and girls separate.

  • What is DNA/Human Coding? Puberty changes that happen to boys/girls; time line

  • Male and female reproductive anatomy

  • Menstrual cycle

  • Ovulation/sperm production

  • Brief description of conception and implantation Good hygiene practices

  • Q&A time

Gr 6-8: Conception Through Birth                                        Duration: 1 hour, slideshow & fetal models are used

  • Students connect puberty to the capacity for human reproduction

  • Students investigate human reproduction from fertilization to birth

  • Fetal models are brought to class to show the process of growth from conception to birth

  • We discuss how each student present it unique and that how they developed is amazing

  • Brief explanation of how a baby will be delivered by vaginal delivery or c-section at the time of birth

  • Q&A time

Healthy Relationships (in person & online): Grade 7-9

Gr 7-8: Human Reproductive Process and Impact                   Duration: 1 hour, slideshow & fetal models are used

  • Examine the impact of the human reproductive process considering the body, heart (emotions), mind (choices and influences), and spirit (your beliefs and deep values)

  • Examine the influences on personal decision making for responsible sexual behavior. What influences are currently influencing your understanding of sexual behavior? Do those influences affirm your value and value of the others? Do those influences inspire a sense of personal responsibility?

  • Possible outcomes as a result of sexual activity

  • Decision making strategies

  • Your voice and choice in relationships - What are your boundaries? How will you practice hearing and respecting the voice and choice of others?

  • Healthy relationships recap

Gr 7-9: Online Safety                                                          Duration: 1 hour, slideshow & brain model are used

  • Identify the reach and impact of the digital world.

  • Discuss the positive and negative uses of the internet. What steps can we take to remain safe online?

  • Device safety

  • What harmful effects does viewing unsafe images and videos online have on our developing brain? What is pornography and the risk of addiction around that?

  • What is sexting? What are the laws in Canada surrounding online activity involving minors?

  • What is sextortion and how is it harmful?

  • Discuss healthy ways to respond to inappropriate content on our devices or online.

  • What kind of digital imprint do you want to leave?

Gr 7-9: Contrasting Healthy and Abusive Relationships                             Duration: 1 hour, slideshow is used

  • Look at how both our thinking and feeling brain are engaged when it comes to relationships

  • We are responsible for our own actions and behavior, not others

  • Red flags in relationships

  • What does control ad manipulation look like in an unhealthy relationship?

  • What does caring, maturity, and mutual respect look like in a healthy relationship?

  • Consider the impact of your choices physically, mentally, and emotionally

  • Communication in relationships is necessary

  • Affirm the value and worth of both people in a relationship, each should have a voice and future goals

  • Rely on your safety team, trusted adults that you can talk to and receive guidance from

  • Helpful resources for when you need extra help/support

Gr 8-9: STI Awareness and Prevention                                                    Duration: 1 hour, slideshow is used

  • Identify the impact, responsibilities and consequences with involvement in a sexual relationship

  • Identify symptoms, effects, treatments and prevention of common sexually transmitted infections; chlamydia, HPV, herpes, gonorrhea, hepatitis B/C, HIV

  • Compare the effectiveness of various forms of contraceptives including; abstinence, barrier devices, hormone methods, etc

  • Acknowledge that pregnancy is also a possible result of sexual activity

  • Abuse types: neglect, physical, emotional, sexual. What are the signs and the consequences?

  • Identify personal support systems and community resources. Who is your safety team?

  • Educate that abstinence is an option/personal choice, and what the benefits are

  • Weigh the pros and cons of various choices. Does it align with your values and goals?

Gr 9-10: Consider the Impact of Sexual Activity                   Duration: 1 hour, slideshow and fetal models are used

  • Coping strategies when experiencing physical, emotional, sexual and social development

  • Examine the impact sexual activity has on your heart, mind, and emotions

  • Possible outcomes as a result of sexual activity

  • Compare the effectiveness of various forms of contraceptives including; abstinence, barrier devices, hormone methods, etc

  • Identify and describe the responsibilities and resources associated with pregnancy and parenting

  • Develop strategies that address factors to prevent or reduce sexual risk

  • Consider the impact of drugs and alcohol

  • Weigh the pros and cons of various choices. Does it align with your values and goals?

  • Identify personal support systems and community resources. Who are the safe adults in your life that you can talk to?

Awareness: Grade 10-12

Gr 10-12: Be an Advocate for Freedom! Human Trafficking Awareness          Duration: 1 hour, slideshow is used

​We often think of people trapped against their will in regards to human trafficking, but the reality is usually less dramatic. This presentation will discuss the red flags of human trafficking and manipulative relationships. We educate students on tactics that are often used and signs to watch for. The focus is not on fear but instead on how participants can equip, encourage, and empower each other as we build a healthy culture that resists this type of coercive control. We also take a look at the impact pornography has on the brain, relationships, and how it relates to human trafficking.

Gr 10-12: Foundations for Life: Skills for Healthy Relationships                   Duration: 1 hour, slideshow is used

We discuss healthy relationships vs unhealthy relationships. Identifying red flags in dating, as well as address factors to prevent or reduce sexual risk. What is narcissism, manipulation, blackmail and so on? How do you treat others, and what kind of reputation do you want to have?

Helpful Resources

Resources on pornography awareness, online risks to kids, and preventative measures can be found at, and


Some good filter programs for online devices can be found at and


The following websites contain great tips for keeping kids/teens safer online, as well as important discussion topics to have with kids/teens-,, and


Human trafficking awareness;,, and

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