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The Foundations for Life program aims to encourage, equip, and empower students, parents, families, and teachers with an awe-inspiring awareness of human development, dignity, and healthy relationship foundations.

We do this through sharing resources and free interactive educational presentations that correspond to and complement the grade-specific health curriculum learning objectives as outlined by AB Education and national standards.

These presentations discuss topics such as body awareness, puberty stages, reproductive anatomy, fetal development, online safety, sexual health, assault and abuse awareness, human trafficking & exploitation awareness, and through all the presentations we emphasize healthy relationship foundations.

Our presentations focus on understanding healthy relationships that encourage, equip, and empower individuals with an understanding of their voice, value, and vision for their life.


At this time, our services are local to the City and County of Grande Prairie. Organizations located outside of our region may make inquiries by sending an email to:





List of Schools and Community Groups Partnered with Foundations for Life (Past and Ongoing)



Centre for Young Parents

Council for Lifelong Learning

Community Orientation session

GP Alliance Church Father's Day Car Show

GP Alliance Youth Group

GP Centre for Newcomers

GP Chamber of Commerce

GP Rotary Club

GP Women's Show

Pregnancy Care Centre

Rising Above

Teacher's Convention

Westpointe Community Church Youth Group

                                                                                   And more...​

                                                                                                     We will be updating our list with new schools and communities soon!



If you are interested in a free presentation, please Book a Presentationemail, or fill in the contact form on our website below for more information.



What Our Attendees Say

I have included Foundations for Life into my Health 9 and CALM 20 classes over the last four years and have looked forward to every presentation! I have been involved in each presentation for gr 9-12 multiple times and I continue to learn something new with every experience. Tiffany has been an incredible presenter that reads the room and adapts the presentation to the students in the class. She works well to engage the students and also allows her own personality and knowledge to shine. Her background knowledge is incredible and the question period at the end of class is enjoyed by all the students. It provides an opportunity for students to ask questions they are wondering about in a safe and controlled environment where they will be provided with proper information and no bias. Students enjoy the content and the delivery of this program and they find it extremely valuable during this stage of their life. It also starts the conversations that continue beyond the classroom into their relationships and home life. 


Thank you, Foundations for Life, for providing this opportunity to my students and to our school community as a whole! You are appreciated and you make a difference!

-Catholic School Teacher

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